Blood in Stool (Bright Red)

What is Blood in Stool?

It is a condition that causes passing of bloody stools in humans as well as animals. Blood in Stool is quite scary for sufferers. However, most Blood in Stool causes are non-serious in nature and can be treated very easily.

What Causes Blood in Your Stool?

Some of the main reasons for blood in stool are

Anal Fissures

Sometimes, the anal mucosa suffers a rupture and leads to bleeding. Anal fissures usually arise due to hard feces or chronic constipation.

Colorectal Cancer

Malignant conditions, such as cancer, affecting the colon may also give rise to bloody stools.

Stress on Rectum

Excessive stress on rectum while defecating may also be responsible for this condition.

Junk Foods

Eating excessively spicy or oily foods may also cause bloody stools.

Alcohol Abuse

High intake of alcohol on a regular basis can cause this condition.


This disorder is commonly referred to as the Inflammation of the Esophagus or food pipe. It is usually caused by Gastroesophageal Reflux. This is another cause of blood red stools.

Bowel Ischemia

This disorder is marked by a lack of flow of blood in the intestines. This is a serious medical issue that needs treatment by doctor.

Some other causes of blood in stools include intestinal worms, unwashed foods and vegetables, intestinal worms, excessive smoking and intake of tobacco in any form. High intake of betel leaves may also cause bright red blood in stool. The condition may also arise as a side effect of analgesics and other medicines like aspirin or steroids.

Serious Causes of Blood in the Stool

Some serious Blood in Stool causes involve conditions such as Crohn’s Disease, Septic Ulcer, Diverticultis, Polyps and Stomach Cancer. If these are left untreated, cancerous conditions may follow.

Blood in Stools Symptoms

A number of disorders associated with passing blood in stool may give rise to various symptoms. Some of the main symptoms of blood in stools include

Rectal Bleeding

This is the main symptom of the disorder and is characterized by bright red blood in stool which may result from rupture in esophagus or swollen blood vessels and esophageal varices.

Rectal Pain

If blood in the stools is caused by Hemorrhoid, the person may suffer from pain. Pain may even be experienced while sitting and not only during defecation.

Protrusion of Rectum

In Hemorrhoid patients, the rectum may protrude through the excretory organ and can be seen from outside as a pink tubular structure.

Body Aches

If the person suffers from fever along with bloody feces, he or she may suffer from aches in the body.

Abdominal Cramps and Pain

In some people, there may be pain or cramps in the abdomen. Patients of constipation may also suffer from abdominal bloating or swelling.


If you have blood in your stool you may also suffer from Diarrhea or release of watery stools from the bowels.

Involuntary Defecation

Patients of this disorder may also find it unable to hold their feces for a long time. They may suffer from fecal incontinence which can lead to much embarrassment in public. Mucus or stool can get released involuntarily through the excretory opening.

Blood in Stools Weight Loss Problems

Persistent release of red blood in stool may also be accompanied by loss of weight in many patients. This is mainly caused by poor appetite of sufferers.

Blood in Stools and Nausea

Sufferers may experience nauseating symptoms after they begin suffering from this condition. This may be accompanied by vomiting sensations.

Blood in Stools and Fatigue

Many people releasing blood stools suffer from weakness. This can impact normal functioning. In some cases, it can make the suffering person unable to perform even daily activities.

Blood in Stools and Constipation

Constipation is a major cause of Blood in Stool. This condition leads to difficult bowel movement and release of large-sized, hard stools. Rectal bleeding resulting from constipation can be cured by including foods rich in diet and drinking more water.

Blood in Stools and Hemorrhoids

Bright blood in stool is often caused by inflammation of the veins inside or at the anal sphincter. This causes pain and itching at the anal region and often results in release of blood with stools. The condition leads to protrusion of rectum through the excretory opening. Minor Hemorrhoid can go away with rest and changes in lifestyle.

Blood in Stools Ulcerative Colitis Problems

Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition. It is severe in nature and leads to persistent swelling of the rectum and the large intestine. This bowel disease gives rise to symptoms like chills, fever, severe diarrhea and recurring abdominal pain along with blood in stools.

Blood in Stools Problems

It is necessary to seek immediate medical treatment if release of blood and mucus in stool is accompanied by other complicated symptoms like

  • Change in consciousness level
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Rapid pulse rate
  • High fever with body temperatures over 101 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Intense abdominal pain
  • Tightness of abdomen
  • Vomiting blood or dark granular structures
  • Loss of strength

Blood in Stools Diagnosis

Blood clot in stool is diagnosed by observing the color of the feces. In many cases, stool appears bright red in color. However, feces may also have a dark, tar-like appearance due to conditions like intestinal bleeding.

Stool blood testing is done through medical examination by Guaiac Test and Fecal Occult Blood Test. Fecal Occult Blood Test is the most inexpensive and reliable method of confirming presence of blood in stool. Guaiac Test is also quite simple and this examination involves placing the stool sample over a strip of paper thinly coated with Guaiac. One or two drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to this sample. If the sample gets discolored, it proves presence of blood.

Some other methods used for blood in stools testing includes methods like

  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
  • Enteroscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Barium X-ray
  • Laparotomy
  • Angiography
  • Radionuclide Scanning

Blood in Stools Treatment

Blood in stools cure depends on the underlying condition for the disorder. If the treatment for the underlying condition is properly done, bloody stools also get cured. Treatment varies with the cause and seriousness of the bleeding. Patients with massive bleeding need to be immediately admitted to hospital for monitoring and treatment.

Blood in Stools Remedies

For people suffering from blood in stools home remedies can be any of the following.

Ginger-Senna Mixture

Mix dry ginger powder with powdered Senna leaves. Consume 5 gms of this mixture along with a cup of moderately warm water. This will cure constipation, make stools softer and help in easy passage of fecal matter.

Sesame Seeds

If bleeding piles are the cause of bloody stools, application of a poultice made of sesame seeds over piles can provide relief from the condition. Oral intake of a mixture of a small amount of butter and ½ tsp sesame seeds can also remedy the condition.

Blood in Stool is completely curable. With proper treatment, the condition can go away in a few days. If you notice blood in your feces, it is best for you to seek immediate medical treatment. This will help you get cured earlier and avoid later complications.


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